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Key Skills to Look for in Remote React Developers

React, React.js, or React JS is a popular open-source library developed by Facebook. It is renowned for building interactive user interfaces and front-end web applications. In the realm of web development, React is a star performer. With the demand for building web applications at an all-time high when a new website is created every three seconds, skilled React developers have become highly sought after.

For hiring an ideal React.js developer, we suggest you factor in the following primary skills when assessing and interviewing a candidate:

technical-skills by orient software

Technical Expertise

React is an open-source JavaScript library used for building user interfaces; thus, qualified candidates must have a strong command of this programming language in order to write clear, concise React code. Plus, React heavily utilizes modern ES6 syntax and features, such as classes, arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and promises. Then, understanding ES6 concepts is a must as a mechanism to make code cleaner and more idiomatic.
Ideal developers must be well-versed in core concepts and principles behind React, such as:
  • Virtual DOM: Understanding how the virtual DOM improves application performance.
  • JSX (JavaScript XML): Familiarity with JSX syntax and its role in simplifying component creation.
  • React Hooks: Knowledge of hooks like useState, useEffect, and custom hooks for managing state and side effects.
  • State Management: Mastery of state and props to manage dynamic data within components.
  • React’s Component-Based Architecture: Ability to create reusable React components and manage lifecycle methods (componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.).
It is crucial to look for candidates with familiarity with the React.js ecosystem and hands-on experience with popular related technologies, such as:
  • Jest and Enzyme: For testing React components.
  • Next.js: For server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • React Native: For building mobile applications.
  • GraphQL: For querying APIs efficiently.
As an integral part of the React ecosystem, Redux is used to manage the application state and data flow. It is essential for developers to have a thorough understanding of Redux concepts, such as actions, reducers, and stores, to build scalable and efficient React applications.
Git is the most commonly used version control system. A proficient React developer should have experience using Git and be able to handle merge conflicts, work with branches, and follow best practices for code versioning. Knowledge of other version control systems (e.g., SVN or Mercurial) and other React developer tools is a plus.
For software developers, this is a popular library for client-side routing in single-page applications (SPAs) built with React. It enables faster and smoother navigation between views in a SPA, which is essential for a seamless user experience. So, you should choose to go with a developer who has a thorough understanding of React Router and its concepts (Like route parameters, nested routes, and protected routes).
Modern applications often require communication with a server-side REST API. Make sure the React JS developer you hire is well-versed in integrating apps with RESTful APIs and using data fetching libraries or browser features such as Fetch, Axios, Redux-Thunk, or Context API for state management.
Though React focuses on the front end, expert developers should have a solid foundation in HTML and CSS as they will work with these technologies to construct interfaces. A developer who understands how styles are rendered and applied with React.js will be able to debug issues swiftly.
Go for React developers who are skilled in writing unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests for both front-end and back-end. These professionals should also have extensive experience in using various testing frameworks and tools to debug, such as Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, Chai.
React developers must be familiar with Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) as it is the primary environment used for building, testing, and deploying React applications. Knowledge of command-line tools like Babel, Webpack, or Grunt and their integration with React are needed to create efficient workflows.
A full-stack developer has a holistic view of how a web application is built, from the user interface to the server-side logic and database integration. When you hire React developers, you should consider other skills, such as experience with databases (SQL or NoSQL), backend programming languages (Node.js, Python, or Java), and server-side development to build a complete application with dynamic user interfaces, scalable data storage, and robust server-side APIs.
Software developers should grasp techniques for performance optimization in React, such as code splitting, lazy loading, server-side rendering (SSR), and memoization. This involves understanding how the library works under the hood and utilizing best practices to ensure application speed and efficiency.
React is an open-source JavaScript library used for building user interfaces; thus, qualified candidates must have a strong command of this programming language in order to write clear, concise React code. Plus, React heavily utilizes modern ES6 syntax and features, such as classes, arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and promises. Then, understanding ES6 concepts is a must as a mechanism to make code cleaner and more idiomatic.
Ideal developers must be well-versed in core concepts and principles behind React, such as:
  • Virtual DOM: Understanding how the virtual DOM improves application performance.
  • JSX (JavaScript XML): Familiarity with JSX syntax and its role in simplifying component creation.
  • React Hooks: Knowledge of hooks like useState, useEffect, and custom hooks for managing state and side effects.
  • State Management: Mastery of state and props to manage dynamic data within components.
  • React’s Component-Based Architecture: Ability to create reusable React components and manage lifecycle methods (componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.).
It is crucial to look for candidates with familiarity with the React.js ecosystem and hands-on experience with popular related technologies, such as:
  • Jest and Enzyme: For testing React components.
  • Next.js: For server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • React Native: For building mobile applications.
  • GraphQL: For querying APIs efficiently.
As an integral part of the React ecosystem, Redux is used to manage the application state and data flow. It is essential for developers to have a thorough understanding of Redux concepts, such as actions, reducers, and stores, to build scalable and efficient React applications.
Git is the most commonly used version control system. A proficient React developer should have experience using Git and be able to handle merge conflicts, work with branches, and follow best practices for code versioning. Knowledge of other version control systems (e.g., SVN or Mercurial) and other React developer tools is a plus.
For software developers, this is a popular library for client-side routing in single-page applications (SPAs) built with React. It enables faster and smoother navigation between views in a SPA, which is essential for a seamless user experience. So, you should choose to go with a developer who has a thorough understanding of React Router and its concepts (Like route parameters, nested routes, and protected routes).
Modern applications often require communication with a server-side REST API. Make sure the React JS developer you hire is well-versed in integrating apps with RESTful APIs and using data fetching libraries or browser features such as Fetch, Axios, Redux-Thunk, or Context API for state management.
Though React focuses on the front end, expert developers should have a solid foundation in HTML and CSS as they will work with these technologies to construct interfaces. A developer who understands how styles are rendered and applied with React.js will be able to debug issues swiftly.
Go for React developers who are skilled in writing unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests for both front-end and back-end. These professionals should also have extensive experience in using various testing frameworks and tools to debug, such as Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, Chai.
React developers must be familiar with Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) as it is the primary environment used for building, testing, and deploying React applications. Knowledge of command-line tools like Babel, Webpack, or Grunt and their integration with React are needed to create efficient workflows.
A full-stack developer has a holistic view of how a web application is built, from the user interface to the server-side logic and database integration. When you hire React developers, you should consider other skills, such as experience with databases (SQL or NoSQL), backend programming languages (Node.js, Python, or Java), and server-side development to build a complete application with dynamic user interfaces, scalable data storage, and robust server-side APIs.
Software developers should grasp techniques for performance optimization in React, such as code splitting, lazy loading, server-side rendering (SSR), and memoization. This involves understanding how the library works under the hood and utilizing best practices to ensure application speed and efficiency.

Soft Skills

In addition to React expertise, developers should have soft skills to excel in roles and contribute to the team's efficiency and productivity. During the interview process, do these crucial non-technical skills to seek in a skilled ReactJS developer include:

In a team setting, React developers must have a team-player attitude. They can coordinate well with project managers, UI/UX designers, and other members. They should be able to communicate and articulate intricate technical concepts to technical and non-technical stakeholders. Efficient communication, both written and verbal, is essential for cross-functional collaboration.
Critical thinkers and problem solvers make excellent developers. They are capable of thinking in a logical manner and possess the curiosity to explore new approaches and come up with creative or innovative solutions when faced with obstacles in the React project development process. Good problem-solving skills enable developers to sense coding issues in advance and troubleshoot them more effectively.
Hire React.js developers with a keen eye for detail. This trait allows them to write clean, well-organized, and maintainable code. Hawk-eyed professionals can save you time and money in the long run by spotting errors and bugs early on in the development process.
The tech industry thrives at a rapid pace, so it asks for adaptability and a continuous learning mindset to stay relevant. When hiring, whether junior or senior React developers, pay heed to candidates who have great potential to grow and a passion for learning and challenging themselves with new technologies. They should be self-motivated and continually strive for personal and professional growth.
In a fast-paced development environment, time management is a key skill for any developer. An adept should be able to manage their time efficiently and prioritize tasks to meet project deadlines without compromising on code quality. Organizational skills add to their strength as they can break complex tasks into smaller, manageable ones and work on multiple React components simultaneously.
If you plan to collaborate with remote React developers, it is essential to gauge their readiness and experience in working from a distance. Self-motivation, excellent communication, and strong time management skills are required for a likely candidate. They are able to work independently while staying connected with the team. Nearshore or offshore developers also need to adapt well to different tools and technologies used in remote working environments.
In a team setting, React developers must have a team-player attitude. They can coordinate well with project managers, UI/UX designers, and other members. They should be able to communicate and articulate intricate technical concepts to technical and non-technical stakeholders. Efficient communication, both written and verbal, is essential for cross-functional collaboration.
Critical thinkers and problem solvers make excellent developers. They are capable of thinking in a logical manner and possess the curiosity to explore new approaches and come up with creative or innovative solutions when faced with obstacles in the React project development process. Good problem-solving skills enable developers to sense coding issues in advance and troubleshoot them more effectively.
Hire React.js developers with a keen eye for detail. This trait allows them to write clean, well-organized, and maintainable code. Hawk-eyed professionals can save you time and money in the long run by spotting errors and bugs early on in the development process.
The tech industry thrives at a rapid pace, so it asks for adaptability and a continuous learning mindset to stay relevant. When hiring, whether junior or senior React developers, pay heed to candidates who have great potential to grow and a passion for learning and challenging themselves with new technologies. They should be self-motivated and continually strive for personal and professional growth.
In a fast-paced development environment, time management is a key skill for any developer. An adept should be able to manage their time efficiently and prioritize tasks to meet project deadlines without compromising on code quality. Organizational skills add to their strength as they can break complex tasks into smaller, manageable ones and work on multiple React components simultaneously.
If you plan to collaborate with remote React developers, it is essential to gauge their readiness and experience in working from a distance. Self-motivation, excellent communication, and strong time management skills are required for a likely candidate. They are able to work independently while staying connected with the team. Nearshore or offshore developers also need to adapt well to different tools and technologies used in remote working environments.

Why Hiring React Developers with Orient Software?

With nearly two decades of experience and still counting, we possess unparalleled industry knowledge. We take pride in the value and dedication we have consistently delivered to our esteemed clients over the years. Our commitment to excellence ensures we will continue to provide exceptional service to many more clients, including you.

You will not waste time waiting for top-notch talent to turn up. At Orient Software, we have an extensive database of pre-vetted and experienced Vietnamese developers proficient in React, ready to join your team on short notice. All of our professionals are the elite, handpicked based on defined standards and requirements regarding their technical skills and industry experience.

Not only our React developers but also UI/UX designers, QA professionals, and other experts are provided per your requests. Our talent base is diverse in experience as well, ranging from junior to senior developers. So, our responsibility is to pick out the best fits and match your big picture with the accurate missing pieces.

In addition to the skilled React developers available within our rank, we can connect you with the Vietnamese tech communities and help you pick your own dream team of top-tier talent. You can count on our two-decade-long tech recruitment experience. Indeed, we are the ticket to your dynamic team of Vietnamese React developers.

Our High-caliber React Developers

Cost-effectiveness is one of the key reasons the clients opt for our services. Are you ready to yield significant cost savings? It’s our competitive advantage over other service providers. You'll be amazed when you work with our global-standard developers at local market rates, much lower compared to hiring React JS developers in the U.S. and the UK or Europe.

No more budgetary concerns about recruitment, management, and administrative overheads. At Orient, we have our talent acquisition team to receive and process your role specifications. You have us take care of everything from scouting for the right talent to setting up a remote development team.

Our Cost-effective Solutions

Get your ideal developers within a short span while enjoying maximum flexibility.

Orient Software provides our clients with various engagement models, including dedicated teams, extended teams (staff augmentation), and project-based contracts. You can decide the level of involvement and control over the outsourced teams and members. Whether you want resources for long-term development or a quick project, we can accommodate your changing needs and provide dynamic team adjustments.

Our Flexible Engagement Models

Our commitment to you is the same level of communication and collaboration experience as if your outsourced team were another in-house one. At Orient, we foster an open and strong working relationship in which you and your remote developers can communicate and collaborate seamlessly on a daily basis.

From daily stand-up meetings, catchups, and regular progress reports to video conferencing and instant messaging channels, we have it all covered so that no information is miscomprehended or missed out. Moreover, our React developers are well-trained to work with global clients and mingle with any team culture. You'll have no worry about cultural or linguistic barriers.

Our Seamless Communication & Collaboration

At Orient Software, we do not merely find any of the best talent; we hire React developers of the best caliber and fit for your project. With Orient Software by your side, you can approach tech talent acquisition with confidence.

At Orient, we have built up and optimized our own recruitment process to ensure primary goals: Transparency, efficiency, and high-quality human resources. During the hiring process, you will be kept posted on the progress, and we are open to feedback until you get the tech professionals you want.

Our Hassle-free Hiring Process

At Orient, clients’ satisfaction is our all-time goal, and their long-term successes are also ours. With that vision in mind, we strive to deliver the best client-centric experience, reflected in our staffing services and continuous support.

We are willing to go the extra mile to meet your expectations and ensure a smooth experience throughout the entire React development project. Constant training, performance evaluation, and HR management are given to further develop and retain your outsourced team.

Our Client-Centric Approach

Our High-caliber React Developers

You will not waste time waiting for top-notch talent to turn up. At Orient Software, we have an extensive database of pre-vetted and experienced Vietnamese developers proficient in React, ready to join your team on short notice. All of our professionals are the elite, handpicked based on defined standards and requirements regarding their technical skills and industry experience.

Not only our React developers but also UI/UX designers, QA professionals, and other experts are provided per your requests. Our talent base is diverse in experience as well, ranging from junior to senior developers. So, our responsibility is to pick out the best fits and match your big picture with the accurate missing pieces.

In addition to the skilled React developers available within our rank, we can connect you with the Vietnamese tech communities and help you pick your own dream team of top-tier talent. You can count on our two-decade-long tech recruitment experience. Indeed, we are the ticket to your dynamic team of Vietnamese React developers.

Our High-caliber React Developers
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Our Cost-effective Solutions

Cost-effectiveness is one of the key reasons the clients opt for our services. Are you ready to yield significant cost savings? It’s our competitive advantage over other service providers. You'll be amazed when you work with our global-standard developers at local market rates, much lower compared to hiring React JS developers in the U.S. and the UK or Europe.

No more budgetary concerns about recruitment, management, and administrative overheads. At Orient, we have our talent acquisition team to receive and process your role specifications. You have us take care of everything from scouting for the right talent to setting up a remote development team.

Our Cost-effective Solutions
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Our Flexible Engagement Models

Get your ideal developers within a short span while enjoying maximum flexibility.

Orient Software provides our clients with various engagement models, including dedicated teams, extended teams (staff augmentation), and project-based contracts. You can decide the level of involvement and control over the outsourced teams and members. Whether you want resources for long-term development or a quick project, we can accommodate your changing needs and provide dynamic team adjustments.

Our Flexible Engagement Models
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Our Seamless Communication & Collaboration

Our commitment to you is the same level of communication and collaboration experience as if your outsourced team were another in-house one. At Orient, we foster an open and strong working relationship in which you and your remote developers can communicate and collaborate seamlessly on a daily basis.

From daily stand-up meetings, catchups, and regular progress reports to video conferencing and instant messaging channels, we have it all covered so that no information is miscomprehended or missed out. Moreover, our React developers are well-trained to work with global clients and mingle with any team culture. You'll have no worry about cultural or linguistic barriers.

Our Seamless Communication & Collaboration
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Our Hassle-free Hiring Process

At Orient Software, we do not merely find any of the best talent; we hire React developers of the best caliber and fit for your project. With Orient Software by your side, you can approach tech talent acquisition with confidence.

At Orient, we have built up and optimized our own recruitment process to ensure primary goals: Transparency, efficiency, and high-quality human resources. During the hiring process, you will be kept posted on the progress, and we are open to feedback until you get the tech professionals you want.

Our Hassle-free Hiring Process
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Our Client-Centric Approach

At Orient, clients’ satisfaction is our all-time goal, and their long-term successes are also ours. With that vision in mind, we strive to deliver the best client-centric experience, reflected in our staffing services and continuous support.

We are willing to go the extra mile to meet your expectations and ensure a smooth experience throughout the entire React development project. Constant training, performance evaluation, and HR management are given to further develop and retain your outsourced team.

Our Client-Centric Approach
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Our Approach: Clear, Smooth, Efficient

We promise to keep things simple through open communication at every step.

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Discuss your needs and goals, and learn how we can realize your ideas.

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Explore Solutions and Team Setup

Examine solutions, clarify requirements, and onboard the ideal team for your needs.

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Kick Off and Monitor the Project

Kick Off and Monitor the Project

Our team springs into action, keeping you informed and adjusting when necessary.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

An outsourcing partner can offer more structured accountability than freelancers can. When outsourcing to us, we have a pre-vetted pool of React developers and a well-established recruitment procedure to ensure you get the most top-notch talent on your team.

Otherwise, you'll find it troublesome to vet and pick the right candidates when you hire freelancers via platforms or communities. More importantly, there is no guarantee of their quality, work ethic, and reliability.
The estimated timeline is within 2 - 4 weeks. The turnaround time can be shorter. It often varies depending on the specific requirements of each project. But you can rest assured. Our recruitment process is thorough yet efficient. Plus, we have a large network of tech talent in Vietnam. We strive to deliver a dedicated team of React developers that matches your needs as quickly as possible.

You can differentiate junior and senior developers by assessing multiple criteria:

  • Depth of Experience: Junior-level developers typically have from 1 to 3 years of experience, while senior ones must own at least five years of experience.
  • Breadth of Knowledge: Senior developers are well-versed in various languages, frameworks, libraries, and tools related to React development. They can write clean code that is maintainable and scalable. Meanwhile, junior developers are familiar with the basics of React development.
  • Leadership & Mentorship: At the senior level, software developers are expected to take the lead and guide their junior counterparts when necessary. An ideal React developer is one who can adeptly manage team dynamics and engage with clients in a mature, professional manner. Conversely, junior developers still require guidance and support from their more experienced colleagues.
  • Autonomy: The seniors are self-sufficient and capable of working independently with minimal supervision. They can take ownership of complex tasks and make critical decisions. In contrast, junior and mid-level developers need more guidance and support from their superiors.
  • Salary: It is also a common practice to determine the seniority of software developers based on their salary ranges. According to Glassdoor's statistics, the average annual salary for a senior React developer in the U.S. is between $131,000 and $215,000, while a junior one earns around $92,000 and $131,000 per year.