![Social Responsibility]()
At Orient Software, we are aware that we owe our success to the skilled and enthusiastic people that work with us. Our most important resource is our dedicated staff and as we expand our team, we continue to source the best people available. However, in our search for the right people, we encounter diversity that has helped us see the challenges of young people who have had to leave school early due to poverty, family situations or urban migration.
As an organization that has grown substantially, we recognize our corporate responsibility towards the local community and the importance to contribute to its growth. Therefore, we focus on supporting established children’s shelters throughout Ho Chi Minh City that work with children who have been denied access to adequate education.
We are currently heavily involved in 3 small charities: Green Bamboo Warm Shelter, Little Rose Shelter and Saigon’s Social and Professional Integration Project.
Green Bamboo Shelter
![Green Bamboo Shelter]()
Since 2012, we have been working with the Green Bamboo Warm Shelter. This wonderful non-for profit organization is aimed at helping young boys who have been living on the streets to learn the skills they need to become independent. There are currently 20 children living in the shelter from a variety of backgrounds recovering from abuse, poverty, abandonment, or parental imprisonment. The shelter also helps over 25 children in the wider community annually, assisting them in any way possible with food, clothing, education and shelter.
Orient’s Commitment to Green Bamboo
With philanthropy instilled in our company culture at Orient, it is evident it is not just being filtered down from management; a large number of our employees are invested in involving themselves at a grassroots level.
Our staff raised enough capital through various fundraising initiatives such as staff auctions, to open a fully equipped IT training center at the Green Bamboo Warm Shelter.
Every Sunday morning, our valued employees attend the shelter to mentor the Green Bamboo boys, teaching them general computer and valuable life skills.
Computer technology has brought global connectivity and enabled advocacy and awareness for social situations, such as the basic understanding for computer skills to obtain valuable careers, to light. Which is where we believe it is our responsibility to harvest these skills to provide opportunities to the underprivileged youth in our local community.

When we initially visited the Green Bamboo Warm Shelter, we heard their stories that made us to believe in the true potential that these kids had. We asked the questions “What do they need? What can we do for them? What changes can we make?”Having those questions in mind, Orient Software held an “idea contest” in which all employees participated. Together, they decided to donate their money, talent and time to build a computer classroom.

Thank you so much! In the past year, Orient Software has helped my shelter by setting up the computer class with 10 computers and their employees come here every Sunday to teach the boys.
Mrs. Phat
Green Bamboo Manager

This is a normal Sunday. The first day I taught the children, they impressed me so much. They were so eager to work with computers. My first time typing was like them just using only one finger. I could see former self in them, which inspired me to teach them how to use all fingers and both hands for typing. I am very happy when I’m teaching them and I hope that as a result they have a better life.
Hai Bui Hoang
Orient Software

Thank you to Orient for giving me opportunity to meet the wonderful children at Green Bamboo Shelter, I will continue to contribute by teaching and guiding the students to give them a opportunity for a better life. Thank you again.
Little Rose Shelter
![Little Rose Shelter]()
The Little Rose Shelter is a refuge for young girls who have been sexually abused or trafficked for the purpose of labour or sexual exploitation. Little Rose provides shelter, care, education and assistance to girls 12-18 years old who are at high risk or have been victims of abuse in Vietnam.
Orient’s Commitment to Little Rose Shelter
With the success of the IT center at Green Bamboo inspiring us, we were able to expand our IT project by raising enough money to build another IT center for the Little Rose Shelter. Again, each Sunday you will see our staff training the girls in general computer and life skills. Our staff are working in conjunction with RMIT University volunteers to tailor the classes for each individual.

I went to the shelter to teach computing skills for 5 little orphan girls. I taught them how to type by using keyboard with 10 fingers, and format a paragraph in word. You could really feel the love and togetherness of these girls who have had to stick together to combat the hardships they have endured. Moreover, I can see huge potential from these children could become. They were passionate about improving their current circumstances. Although my contribution is only small, I hope that those children would be well educated and personally make their end meets when they grow up. It would make a better life standard in the community that we are living in the long run.
Nguyen Duc Dong Hieu
Orient Software

We (Little Rose Shelter) have had a conversation with the children about computing class. They understood that it is important to learn computing literacy; therefore, they wanted to keep it up weekly. They were pleased with the knowledge they have gained during the lessons, such as typing, editing a paragraph, inserting a picture and practicing formulas in (Microsoft) Excel. The class enhances them to quickly learn something new; furthermore, their computer literacy has seen much improvement. Our children would like to say thank you to Mrs. Nhung (Orient Software) and benefactors/benefactress that have subsidized, supported and donated many desktops to the shelter.
We wish you (Orient Software) all the best in your business.
Best Regards,
Saigon’s Social and Professional Integration Project
This year we supported the Social and Professional Integration project with a grant, and will continue to support this ongoing project. This is an outreach program for urban youth whereby street children and teenagers are given access to counseling, legal support and soft-skill training such as reproductive health, interview skills and career advice so they get all the help needed for a brighter future.
We can see the effects first hand of our ongoing contributions to these small non-for profit charities. We will continue to support these organizations, and endeavor to find more charities like the aforementioned to not only assist with the growing demand from our local communities but also to find placement for our staff members who are eager to make a difference.
For more information on any of these CSR projects please contact: [email protected]